ATS - Adam TGP Submitter ALS - Adam Link List Submitter
Absolutely free of any kind of charges! No any advertising program on your resources!
Adult Webmasters! You pay nothing and receive these programms, which's features are:
- Submitter to TGPs (ATS) or Link Lists (ALS), template-based gallery (ATS) or doorways (ALS) generator, e-mail confirmer in one program.
- Database with more than 400 TGPs (ATS) or 200LL (ALS) of different niches included in package.
- Visual Database Editor. You can easily create your own TGP or LL database or expand standard database with your own posting list! Just a few clicks needed for new TGP or LL adding!
- Before submit you can create preffered categories list, describing your gallery, from global category list, which includes ALL categories from the submit pages of ALL TGPs and LLs from database! This list automatically updates when you add new TGP or LL to database.
- Submitters supports e-mail and form-based TGPs and LLs.
- For both types (e-mail and form) of resources two variants of submit available: auto- and manual submit.
- Proxy support for submitting and confirming.
- Multithreaded submit (up to 30 simultaneously opened windows). Each thread is independent!
- All unwanted pop-ups, consols, etc are blocked!
- New windows opens in the same window.
- Submit page will be scrolled up to submit form automatically.
- About 99% of submit form fields are filled automatically.
- EXCLUSIVE!!! You can block images autoloading but at the same time parol tickets will be shown automatically! This option saves about 30% of your time!
- EXCLUSIVE!!! Flexible gallery description modification system! You just compose up to 6 different descriptions for your gallery or site (with different length) and assign description patterns for TGPs or LLs in database. And needed description (with correct length, letters case, in accordance with pattern) will be created during submit automatically! Now even so expensive descriptions like "16 pictures of beautiful girl posing nude, sended by Peter Pan" are not a problem at all! Just create correct pattern!
- Supports five (ATS) or two (ALS) formats of gallery preview images.
- Flexible e-mail confirmer. 99,9% of confirm-mails will be confirmed automatically. 0,1% you can confirm manually:)
And more, more things which we just forget to mention...
Attention! Adam Submitter Project is currently in the active development, and YOUR ideas and wishes may become new features!
